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Lonnie Park

Lonnie Park

Uncle Lonnie is my wife's uncle. I took this picture of him in February of 2006 at his request when he came over to our house for a visit with Tina's parents. He had wanted a picture of himself to bring back with him to Newfoundland so I had printed two 8x10 copies for him right there and slid them to him across our dining room table, to which he folded them up three times and put them in his shirt pocket and thanked me.That was the only time he came to our place, but we've seen him from time to time when we went to visit Tina's parents. This was because he lived with them since his wife Jeannie had passed away, and the cataracts in his eyes from a work injury many years prior meant it was difficult for him to take care of himself.But Lonnie didn't like being a burden and spent all his time out visiting family and friends and took the Kitchener city bus almost everywhere.Lonnie died unexpectedly of a stroke on March 15th, He was 54.What resonates with me is the number of people who attended his service. It was packed with people who had been geniunely touched by his presence in their lives. One can't but wish we could do these kinds of parties for a person while we can see their expressions and share in their joy.But I take from Lonnie the lesson that life is about the relationships you foster, about sharing your life with others because life is precious.Rest in Peace.